(Case Study) Optimizing Communication, Constructability, And Efficiency With Hololens – The Gilbane Story


3D technology has been around for years, and Revit has become the standard AEC documentation platform in the design world for many firms. Workflows that incentivize engineering simulation offer an effective way of sharing and collaborating the work of different design disciplines.

From that, perspective views and “Fly-throughs” become more easily generated to enhance owner understanding and in some cases fundraising.  Although owners are reluctant to pay for extensive modeling, it is often provided as an “Additional Service”.  More frequently, designers and builders are sharing 3D platforms and sharing the effort to develop 3D models.  The benefits of carrying 3D models into the construction process with the involvement of structural, envelope, and mechanical trade contractors further enhances optimized constructability and efficiency.

  • The Why
  • The What
  • How do we design/how should we design?
  • Deployment and Execution
  • Immersion vs Analysis – how to work both
  • Appropriateness by project phase – best bang for buck
  • Scaling
  • The future
  • Resolution – More data is needed (duh) but profitability will drive the workflows once the novelty has worn off and the media delivery becomes commonplace
  • How do you monetize 3D?  Question has been around for years at this point – AR and VR are efficiency enhancers, not standalone products.